Yesterday was indeed a no-spend day. I didn't leave the house. That helps! However, I should have gone to the gym, and I didn't. I'm going today. (At least I didn't use any gas.)
I made chicken stroganoff and potato scramble yesterday, and have enough of both for meals today. I did not attempt making biscuits, like I was planning. I was pretty tired yesterday; hope today will be a little more productive.
I have learned that when I'm home, I have to accomplish at least one thing each day, or I feel like a slug. Something a little more than cleaning the cat pan, making the bed, etc. I suppose cooking was what I did yesterday. Today I'll try again on the biscuits -- and I still need to create the invoice, too, which isn't hard to do; just kind of a pain.
There's a Monopoly game going on at one of our grocery stores. I always play, more for the diversion than anything, because I never win, but this time I did win a "free" cooking school online course from Rouxbe. I don't know anything about this -- and I already know how to cook -- but I thought I would check it out, and hope it isn't a ruse to get me to pay for something.
Tomorrow I'm picking the boys after a half-day at school, and we will go to the library. So tomorrow is set, just need to get squared away on what I'm doing today!
Adjusting to life at home again
February 28th, 2017 at 02:31 pm
February 28th, 2017 at 08:07 pm 1488312440
March 1st, 2017 at 04:00 am 1488340851
March 11th, 2017 at 03:19 am 1489202362