This was the last day in my pay cycle, so March is done, financially speaking. Here is the breakdown:
Housing: $695
Taxes: $449
Fees/Services: $229
Groceries: $176
Eating Out: $128
Household Supplies: $63
Medical/Health: $55
Phone: $52
Gas: $39
Entertainment: $33
Vet/Pet Supplies: $30
Vacation/Travel: $28
Laundry: $12
Furnishings/Equipment/Decor: $3
Fares/Parking: $1
Grand Total: $2186
I went 12% over on the variables budget. I'll try to make that up this coming month.
There were several driving factors this month. I spent a lot on groceries because I hosted a dinner -- and I did some stocking up. Eating out was high because I did more socializing this month than usual, and I also took my grandsons out three times. They are turning into growing boys with appetites.
I couldn't really help that my subscription and my I-Pass renewed at the same time.
Generally, entertainment is a really cheap category for me, but I saw three movies this month -- and at one of them I treated a friend.
And of course, I had taxes to pay. Could have waited till April, but I wanted to get it over with.
Today's spending was $6 to see "Beauty and the Beast," which was amazing! Such artistry.
I skipped the gym, saving my one clean pair of workout pants for tomorrow morning.
Tomorrow will be a busy day. I'm going downtown at dinnertime (riding the El) for a professional group meeting. Before that, I will go to the gym and go to the grocery. I will only get ten items, since that's all I can carry upstairs, so I'm going to peruse my list and choose the most important. I'm sure another grocery trip will be on the docket on Thursday.
I also want to get at least one load of laundry done. All my bins are pretty full.
As usual, it feels pretty good to know that pay day is imminent!
March Recap
March 22nd, 2017 at 12:10 am
March 22nd, 2017 at 02:09 pm 1490191761
I think you did great to only go over 12% considering everything you had going on this month!
March 22nd, 2017 at 04:02 pm 1490198535
March 22nd, 2017 at 06:42 pm 1490208166