I can't look at individual entries today. I get the sad baby face. This seems to happen a lot. I hope that later I'll be able to click in and see what y'all have said beyond a couple of lines....
I was hoping to make yesterday a no-spend day, but I decided to go ahead and get my airline tickets to Florida. The money will not come out of variables -- travel expenses (except for little ones) come out of savings. I got a good deal - $184 round trip, which includes the cost of a carry-on bag.
I am flying Allegiant, so can't fly out of Chicago. I'm going to fly out of Indy, and BFF will cart me to the airport from her home. I'll stay with her the night before I leave and the night I get back.
I'm going to pay her $50 to schlep me there -- that would be the cost of a shuttle, which is so much more trouble and time. Parking at the airport would be $72, so I nixed that.
The flight will take me to Jacksonville, which is more than an hour away from Gainesville. My son said they could pick me up. I hate that, though, so I'm going to look into car rental, see if I can get a good deal. So far it looks very expensive.
As I have found in the past, the airline fare is only a portion of the expense, not even a large one.
But, hey, I made $3 yesterday on a Pine Cone survey!
It feels weird to no longer have an "extra" income. And the gap year is coming up! It starts July 2018. That will be a challenging time.
Today's meal plan: I had toast for breakfast, and for lunch I will have mac & cheese with a side of veggies. For dinner, I will make dressing out of rye bread, apples and sausage. I haven't tried this before. I'm also thawing a huge boneless chicken breast. If it's ready to cook, I'll have some of that with the dressing.
My fridge is looking quite bare, but the freezer is still pretty full.
I don't think I reported on yesterday's meals: I had apple pancakes & sausage for breakfast, quiche and an apple for lunch, and pan-fried tilapia with cauliflower & broccoli for dinner.
I am transcribing the entries chronicling my parents' first few months of marriage. My mother never mentioned what she ate before, but now she is, because she is cooking it. She has lamented burning the toast, a fried chicken dinner that was a "flop" -- and it sounds like they had waffles a LOT. They were given a waffle iron as a wedding present. I'm pretty sure I remember that waffle iron! It was a big, heavy thing! She also mentioned getting a silver pitcher from her sorority. I'm pretty sure it's now sitting in my cupboard. Because knowing my mother, I doubt she ever bought another one!
She also mentioned my father's draft number: 745. I didn't realize they even had draft lotteries back then. The war had not started yet -- it's about a year away. By then, my brother had been born, and my father was not called up. I believe both his brothers were, though. It will be interesting to read about that.
Travel Plans, Frugal Eating, and Mom's Honeymoon Days
April 13th, 2017 at 04:54 pm
April 13th, 2017 at 10:04 pm 1492117471
What is the gap year again?
April 13th, 2017 at 10:29 pm 1492118942