I always love this day! I'm so excited to have money on the horizon!
I'm not going to spend anything today, so I did my April recap.
Housing - $695
Utilities - $196
Clothing - $194
Vacation/Travel - $184
Groceries - $85
Gifts/Charities - $78
Eating Out - $76
Gas - $53
Phone - $52
Medical/Health - $46
Personal - $46
Vet/Pet Supplies - $44
Entertainment - $40
Furnishing/Equipment/Decor - $35
Laundry - $24
Household Supplies - $6
Fares/Parking - $1
Grand Total - $1855
My variables came in at 97%. I need to do that a couple more times to even out previous overspending.
Notes on my spending:
Utilities were high because the electric bill came twice during this period.
Clothing included two pairs of shoes which were not bargains -- but were the right shoes to buy.
Vacation/Travel was the cost of an airline ticket for a trip yet to be taken.
Gifts/Charities included a birthday, Easter, and some donations to fundraisers.
Eating Out - all meals with friends and family; no solitary fast food!
Personal included a haircut and a special shampoo.
Entertainment - I saw three movies this month. At one I paid for my grandson, also.
Furnishings/Equipment/Decor - I bought myself a new frying pan, and I also got myself some bowls and utensils at Goodwill.
Laundry - Unusually high. I didn't visit anyone with a washer/dryer and thus didn't get a "free" load. I seemed to wash a lot of sheets this time. Combination of company, and barfing cats.
I'm always pleased when the grand total is below $2,000.
Tomorrow, my "deal day," I'm going to go the DSW and get another pair of shoes, using a $25 coupon. I will go to Wal-Mart and use my $15 gift card. Later today I'll go through my coupons and such to see if there is anything else I want to do. For sure I will go to PetSmart and Aldi and beef up my dwindling supplies.
Today's menu: Breakfast: oatmeal w/raisins & brown sugar. Lunch: Bibimbap beef fried rice. Dinner: Tilapia & veggies.
Just have to add that my grandson was MVP at his game last night. He hit a triple, bringing in three runs and pitched a no-hit inning. He was beaming!
One Day Till Pay Day
April 25th, 2017 at 04:51 pm
April 25th, 2017 at 05:43 pm 1493138611
Kudos for doing so well April.. New shoes, travel and visitng BFFadds to spends but benefits are long lasting.
April 26th, 2017 at 02:24 am 1493169874