I think today may be a no-spend day.
I went to my grandson's baseball game this morning, but it was cancelled due to cold weather and the threat of storms. I was so glad I wouldn't have to sit outside in the cold!
I went to the police station to turn in some prescription drugs I am no longer taking. I only had a few bottles, but I am happy to let them handle their disposal.
Then I went to the gym and did my treadmill walking.
I checked out the MyMixx deal today, but it is something I don't want -- coconut water.
So I am going to spend this cold day doing indoor things I like -- reading, watching movies, and catching up on my mother's diary.
Need to start thinking about what I will pack for my trip. I know I need one nice outfit for dinner. I have one in mind, but I have to try on all the pieces to make sure they fit.
I'm getting my hair cut before the trip, and I'm also going to buy some of that rosy tone "age perfect" moisturizer from Walgreen's on May 2, Senior Discount Day. I also have a $2 coupon; hope they will accept both.
Editing to add today's menu --
Breakfast - toast, peanut butter & jelly
Lunch - salad, mac & cheese
Dinner - tilapia, broccoli
(Note -- I didn't have the mac & cheese yesterday -- too nauseous at dinnertime to eat.)
Cold Saturday
April 29th, 2017 at 06:04 pm
April 29th, 2017 at 09:27 pm 1493497641