Home > Monday


May 15th, 2017 at 03:13 pm

Our cake party yesterday was in a lakeside park. It was windy, so we ate fast and took a windy picture and left! Once home, we all played Yahtzee (I won!) and watched one of the kids' shows, Ronia the Robber's Daughter. Good day.

No spending aside from what I reported yesterday.

Today I'm going to get my hair cut and mail my packages, so it will not be an NSD. Variables are at 74%. Only have to make it till Saturday, since vacation activities come out of savings, not variables.

My son bought my airline ticket for June 18. I'm feeling guilty and will offer to pay at least half. I think it turned out to be more than he expected.

My SIL confirmed she is coming to town tomorrow. We will probably have lunch and may spend a few hours together at the auction she is attending, but she won't be staying.

Today's menu: Breakfast - eggs & toast. Lunch - tacos. Dinner - Loaded cornbread, clementines.

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