Home > Friday Morning

Friday Morning

May 19th, 2017 at 04:12 pm

I stopped at Food4Less yesterday on my way home from the gym -- bought fresh fruit and paper goods for $12. Variables - 84%.

Today I will continue getting ready for my trip. I have my clothing picks set aside. I need to pack a plastic bag of toiletries and stuff everything in my suitcase. Without my cats seeing what I am doing -- otherwise they might protest with their bladders.

I arranged with C to do pet check next Friday - Sunday. My son will do it this Saturday - Thursday.

Tomorrow will be a full day. A walk in the morning with the walking club, then a baseball game, then a drive to Indy. Flying out on Sunday.

I will probably not be posting; I think I will be very busy with grandchildren, as DIL is still on crutches and not very mobile.

Just want to report that I LOVE the L'Oreal Rosy Tone Age Defense moisturizer! I really see a difference in my face! Now, I will admit that the novelty of a new product may be making me more vigilant about my facial care -- but whatever works! So now I will have to be on the lookout for deals, since it is not cheap.

Pay day will occur while I am gone, but all bills are automatic except for credit cards and my mortgage. I'll take care of those when I get home -- plenty of time before due dates.

Today I will do boring stuff like cleaning the fish tank, vacuuming, hit-the-high-spot dusting.

Starting to feel excited -- not dreadful -- about my trip!

5 Responses to “Friday Morning”

  1. Jackie n Says:

    Glad you're liking the rosy tone moisturizer. I think must be just too fair and blotchy to notice a difference- but I decided to dig it out and give it a longer trial Smile Have a great trip!

  2. CB in the City Says:

    You may be right. I have an olive complexion; the moisturizer seems to liven it up.

  3. Amber Says:

    Sounds like you're ready for your trip, I hope you have a blast. Also thanks for the tip on the moisturizer, I've been looking for a more less expensive one than the department stores

  4. Dido Says:

    I'm glad your attitude about the upcoming trip has flipped. Have a great time!

  5. rob62521 Says:

    Hope you have a delightful trip and a fabulous time!

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