After a week away from home, I needed to get some groceries. I hit both Aldi and Food4Less, getting 10 items at each place. Aldi: walnuts, salad, carrots, chicken, margarine, almond milk, apple pie filling, flour, syrup, vinegar. ($29) Food4Less: strawberries, blueberries, frozen peas, frozen green beans, roast beef, tortillas, sherbet, mini-bagels, tuna, salsa. ($18)
I bought the roast beef for French Dip sandwiches -- already have the buns -- and I got the apple pie filling because it was on clearance and I have a pie crust in the freezer to use up. I'm hoping I have enough crust to make a lattice top. If not, I'll do a crumb crust. If the pie turns out, I will share with the kids and C.
Variables are at 8% and include a $2 donation and $1.50 for laundry.
I called the courthouse this morning and got the jury duty summons postponed for three months. Yay! They were very nice about it, too. Now I need to start planning the June trip in earnest. BFF will not be available to take me to the airport, so I may just drive all the way to Indy and park the car at the airport. And I have to reserve a rental car in Florida. This time, I will be sure to use a company that is on-site at the airport.
Nothing on my schedule today, so I'm going to just enjoy getting things back in order and reading.
Almost forgot! I also went to PetSmart and used a 30% off coupon to get more kitty litter. That was $8.
Getting Back to Normal
May 30th, 2017 at 05:50 pm
May 30th, 2017 at 06:31 pm 1496165461
May 30th, 2017 at 06:46 pm 1496166380
May 30th, 2017 at 07:59 pm 1496170746
We were able to book a minivan rental from Enterprise through for our upcoming road trip at a substantial discount.
You also might price a shuttle service and compare it to the cost of leaving your car at the airport. The last time I flew out of SFO, they were charging $24 per day in long-term parking. At SMF they charge $12. Two weeks (?) of that will add up fast.
Glad you enjoyed your recent trip!
May 31st, 2017 at 03:41 am 1496198499
May 31st, 2017 at 03:59 pm 1496242777
June 1st, 2017 at 03:10 pm 1496326254