Home > RIP Old Phone

RIP Old Phone

August 6th, 2017 at 01:06 pm

I had my son check my phone settings yesterday, just to make sure there was nothing amiss, and then he helped me pick out a new phone on Amazon. It was delivered the same day, since I have Amazon Prime. However, it is still not functional, because the SIM card from my old phone doesn't fit in the new one. So a new one was ordered, but it probably won't arrive till Monday.

The new phone is a fifth generation Moto G. I currently have the first generation, so this should be a big improvement, especially in storage. It was $255. Ouch! I did get a $50 discount for being a Prime member. I decided to go with the newest and latest, in hopes that it will last a long time. I don't want to have to buy a phone during my gap year, which will begin next July.

The news about C is not good. Her chemo is not working. They gave her a prognosis of six months. She could try another chemo, but it comes with a lot of side effects and would only extend her life by a couple of months. I don't know what she has decided to do. I saw her yesterday, but we didn't discuss her illness. It is clear she prefers not to. I can't even imagine how hard this must be for her.

I had a very bad night last night with general leg pain. I'm going to try to get my initial PT appointment set up today. My eye appointment has been moved again, this time to Wednesday.

My older grandson is leaving for camp this morning. He'll be there for a week, and he's very excited. I'm going to go be part of the send-off team, when the buses leave from the Y.

I watched "The Danish Girl" yesterday and have one more DVD to watch -- "Hell and High Water." They are all due today.

I have a load of laundry to do. I'm going to take it down and put it in my storage unit when I leave for the Y. Then, when I come home, I can put it in the washer before I climb the stairs again. I'm going to do the bare minimum of stair-climbing today until I get my legs working properly again.

Meals today will be tuna patties and apricot chicken for lunch and dinner (both leftovers). Not sure yet about breakfast -- maybe granola. The apricot chicken turned out great, even though I had to substitute honey for the apricot jam. I had plenty of fresh apricots, so it was suitably apricot-y.

I had a second dinner last night. When I was at my son's house, working on the phone replacement, they were cooking hamburgers and fixings. Even though I'd already had the apricot chicken, I was talked into having a half a hamburger. (So delicious!) And I took some fresh corn, cantaloupe and tomatoes, so I don't think the calorie damage was too bad.

5 Responses to “RIP Old Phone”

  1. Bluebird Says:

    I'm so sorry about C {{hugs}}

  2. Laura S. Says:

    I am sorry to hear the news is not good about C.

  3. snafu Says:

    Sad to learn new prognosis for C. {{{Hugs}}} and prayers. Hope the transition to new phone is smooth and enjoyable.

  4. rob62521 Says:

    Sorry about C.

    Hope your new phone is a good fit. We get to used to technology and then when it doesn't work, it is so very frustrating.

  5. FrugalTexan75 Says:

    Sorry about C

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