Yesterday I hit the garage sales for the first time this year. C and I went together. I had some good luck -- at the first stop, I found a small chest of drawers for $5, a set of 7 placemats for $5, and a new set of curtains, which will look great in my bedroom, for $4. At the next I bought 3 figurines for $1 apiece. Two will go to BFF and one to GS2. At the third stop I bought a new jeans jacket for GD, $5, as well as a play iron for $1.
At about noon we got tired and went to IHOP to use my birthday coupon for a free stack of pancakes. We split the balance, so lunch was $4.
After I got home I got achy and supertired, so I took some Tylenol and went to bed; got up later feeling much better.
Birthday celebrating is being delayed, as my son was traveling yesterday and GS1 was at camp. I did get a package from Florida son -- a book I really want to read, plus a promise of "something else" to come today. And I got a nice long letter from my sister, which was wonderful, as we have been out of contact for some time. She tends to "disappear" when her life gets messy (it's messy a lot) so it was good to hear from her.
Variables have jumped up to 80% -- $171 left to stay on target -- 11 days to go.
Garage Sales
August 12th, 2017 at 01:13 pm
August 12th, 2017 at 01:53 pm 1502542401
August 12th, 2017 at 06:41 pm 1502559708