Home > Spent $5

Spent $5

August 15th, 2017 at 01:47 pm

I was intending to have a no-spend day yesterday, but when I walked past a custom t-shirt shop, I saw a rack of $5 shirts for sale. They were mostly men's shirts with the Cubs "W" graphic. I bought one for my Florida son, to put in his Christmas box. I figured $5 was a pretty good price. And he loves the Cubs.

I had my first physical therapy exercise session. It was strenuous. At first I felt better, then later I felt worse. This morning, after a good night's sleep, I feel better again.

Today I'm going to the gym and then to DSW to use a $5 coupon. Planning on finding a pair of socks. Then, later in the day, C and I are going to see "The Glass Castle." I loved that book; I hope the movie does it justice. I'm going to get free popcorn; I got a birthday coupon on my theater app.

Didn't eat the salmon yesterday - I wasn't hungry at dinnertime - so I'll have that today, and probably my other meal will be fried rice. For breakfast, I may make johnnycakes, but I'm not hungry yet.

Anybody have solar eclipse viewing plans? Carbondale, in our state, will have the longest total eclipse in the U.S. But it's WAY downstate, and, anyway, I'm going to be in Michigan. If I didn't have other plans, I might be interested in viewing it -- such a rare event.

5 Responses to “Spent $5”

  1. creditcardfree Says:

    Eclipse is only partial where I am. I'd like to take a look, safely of course!

  2. Pnwmom Says:

    No plans to view, but since it starts in Oregon (where I live, although I'm in Portland, not the on the coast) we are closing our office for the day, as they expect the roads to be an absolute nightmare with all the people they expect to be here and then leaving when it's over.

  3. My English Castle Says:

    Still thinking about our eclipse viewing plans.I need to get some glasses!

  4. FrugalTexan75 Says:

    I'm taking my break early so I can go see it. On Thursday I put together a plan for all out buses - safe possible spots to pull over during the dark phase. (So much fun!) I'm in the area of a full eclipse.

  5. rob62521 Says:

    You are smart to Christmas shop and find things on sale.

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