I went to the movie yesterday on Discount Day, so paid only $5 for the ticket. On top of that, I had a free popcorn coupon. It was for the large size, which retails for $8! C and I did our best to eat it up, but at the end of the movie, half was left. I took it home and I made caramel corn, which turned out pretty good, if a bit sticky! Perhaps in humid weather you can't avoid the stickiness.
I also went to DSW to spend my $5 coupon. In the clearance section I found what I thought were three pairs of knee-high socks marked down to only $4. I bought them and sacrificed the extra dollar. (It was the last day to use the coupon.) Well, I got them home and unrolled them and - what? - they are actually two pairs of tights, and while they ARE large, they are GIRLS' large! Total fail! I plan to give them to BFF for her granddaughters (mine is too little.) If she is not interested, I may sell them online.
But another frugal win yesterday -- I stopped at Panera while waiting for DSW to open and got a free muffin. I didn't even know I had that on my Panera card, it was just a happy surprise!
Going through my inbox yesterday, I discovered I still have another $5 coupon at DSW for my birthday, so I'm going to try again. This coupon does not expire until the end of the month.
I'm going to the children's dollar movie today with C and the grandsons. That will only cost $1 each. Too bad I got the popcorn yesterday, it would have been good to have to share today.
Today's meals -- johnnycakes for breakfast, fried rice for lunch, grilled cheese for dinner.
Variables are at 82% and I have one week left till payday. In dollars, I have $156 to spend.
Back to the movie -- it was "The Glass Castle," which is a true story of a woman who grew up in a dysfunctional home. She dealt with an alcoholic father and a neglectful mother, extreme poverty, intermittent homelessness and a vagabond life. The irony is that the woman's mother was holding onto land which she could have sold for $1M, but she didn't because her father said she should never sell land. I had read the book, so I knew what to expect. It was inspiring that the children scrimped and saved to buy their way out -- also that the main character finally learned to be open about her past and accept the good with the bad. I recommend it -- and the book even more! The author is Jeanette Walls.
A Good Movie and Good Deals
August 16th, 2017 at 02:24 pm
August 16th, 2017 at 02:53 pm 1502891629
August 16th, 2017 at 02:54 pm 1502891670
My oldest daughter read it for English 11. I think she also read the Freedom Writers for a unit. I recall it being a depressing read, but maybe missed the inspirational end?
Funny on the socks. My most recent fail was clearance underwear for my husband when Sam's was closing and dumping them for $4.81. The style and material was all wrong. Kissed that good-bye but his reaction to "high performance" skivvies was probably worth every cent.
August 16th, 2017 at 05:32 pm 1502901128
August 20th, 2017 at 08:02 pm 1503255726