Yesterday I went to my ex's (along with the kids and grandkids) for what he calls the Big Breakfast. It IS a big breakfast -- eggs, bacon, sausage, pancakes, fruit, fried potatoes, and all the fixins. We ended up talking around the table until about 2 pm. I ate so much I didn't eat anything else until I had some sorbet at about six.
My kids gave me a DNA test kit for my birthday. Yesterday I finally got it sent in. I know quite a bit about my heritage on paper, but it will be interesting to see if the science matches the genealogy. I am expecting a BIG percentage will be centered in England.
I went to the library to get the next Harry Potter, and I also checked out the movie of the first book. Won't be able to watch (with the kids and C) until I get back from Michigan, though.
At this point, I'm planning to leave for Michigan tomorrow morning. I am hoping my doctor will offer me some relief this afternoon. I had an awful night and it was the second one in a row. Sleep is elusive these days.
Yesterday was a no-spend day. I've got $103 left in the budget, which should cover the gas and a trip to the bakery I frequent up in Michigan. I like to stock up on bread there. Until I get on the road, it's going to be creative meal planning here. I'm running out of most staples. But I've got the ingredients to make chicken fajitas today, and for another meal I can have a hard-boiled egg, cheese cubes, and ants-on-a-log.
Really hope I feel good enough to get on the road tomorrow morning. It will be a long day, with the 3-hour ride up there, and the shower in the evening.
At least I will not be on the road during the eclipse! I do plan to go outside and just experience the change, without looking at the sun. I am actually not tempted to do that -- I know the news will provide plenty of footage!
Monday Morning
August 21st, 2017 at 02:29 pm
August 21st, 2017 at 07:32 pm 1503340368
Hope the doctor gives you some relief and hope your trip is a success.
August 22nd, 2017 at 02:51 am 1503366711