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Cancelled My Trip

August 22nd, 2017 at 01:51 pm

I saw the doctor yesterday. He is concerned about what is going on in my legs and has ordered some blood tests. I'll get the blood drawn today. I have finally admitted to myself that I am not up to travelling and I cancelled my trip. This is very disappointing to me. Not only was I looking forward to visiting with my brother and SIL, but I was also looking forward to meeting my nephew's wife. I am going to have to mail the shower gift.

That said, I am relieved not to have to make the effort. I can rest today and work on getting better.

My doctor is checking to see whether the inflammation in my knee and hips is spreading into a systemic inflammation, which could be dangerous if it enters the bloodstream. He is also checking for gout. He is checking with my nephrologist to get permission to use NSAIDs, which would help with the pain. He also told me I should triple the Tylenol dosage I am using. He told me to postpone physical therapy until we have some answers.

I've been struggling with this pain since before July 4, and I'm at my wit's end. I hope I'm at the beginning of the end.

Yesterday I went outside to read at "eclipse time" just to experience the atmosphere, since I didn't have the glasses. But then I got so hungry, so I went to a nearby yogurt place for sorbet and fruit. The shop owner let me use his glasses! So I did get to see the eclipse as I ate my sorbet in the outdoor seating area. It was amazing! We didn't get the full eclipse here, of course, and it was somewhat cloudy, but it was a solemn and majestic moment. I'm glad I saw the banana in the sky!

Spending yesterday was $1 for breakfast and $6 for the sorbet. Not only are my groceries dwindling, but I find I am not feeling like cooking; it's too uncomfortable to stand for long. I will try to get the chicken fajita made today, as that will probably serve for two meals.

Tomorrow is pay day, and I can grocery shop and stock up, but I am not sure if I will feel good enough to carry groceries up the stairs.

My variables are currently at 93%, so I will come in under budget this month, no matter what I do today! And I'm planning to do nothing.

7 Responses to “Cancelled My Trip”

  1. creditcardfree Says:

    I'm glad your doctor is doing more testing to pinpoint the problem.

  2. snafu Says:

    So sorry you've had to cancelling a trip but it sounds like the right thing to do to solve the mystery of intermittent leg pain.
    There surely will be other get togethers. In the interim would you consider grocery delivery from one of the food stores like Jewel who offer d seeryelivrvice?

  3. Carol Says:

    I am sorry that this leg pain is interfering with your life so much!!!I'm glad you got to see the banana-- wonderful description!

  4. My English Castle Says:

    Oh CB, I'm sorry to hear that, but agree that solving the leg issue comes first. I agree about the grocery delivery too. Lots of places have first-time ordering freebies and discounts. Might be worth checking them out?

  5. ceejay74 Says:

    We got a "banana" in Minneapolis too -- a very skinny one! It was cloudy here too but the sun poked through a few times and my work handed out glasses, so I got to see it a few times. Very very cool, my first time attempting to view a solar eclipse!

  6. CB in the City Says:

    Snafu, you know about Jewel? I thought it was just in Illinois. I am feeling better and I don't think I'll need delivery service. Amazing what NSAIDs will do! I probably wouldn't have suffered all this time if I had been allowed to take them.

  7. FrugalTexan75 Says:

    I'm glad you got to see the eclipse! I hope a fix can be found for your pain soon.

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