It was another no-spend day, with a free meal to beat -- well, several actually! Because my DIL sent me home with a rather large container of purple soup. It was made with purple potatoes, purple cauliflower and purple carrots. No one in their family liked it. I haven't tasted it yet, but I trust that some seasoning might rescue it.
I'm afraid I have the reputation in my family as the one who will eat anything!
Just had a bad night struggling with tingling pain in both legs. Reading about the experience of others, I think that I should try cutting out sugar. (Which will be painful it itself -- I love sugar!) I think I can do it short-term, though, to learn if it's the problem. It would certainly be good for me in many ways if I could cut out sugar -- but life would be a lot duller, too. Actually, just the thought of it is depressing.
Since I'm getting on the road tomorrow, I hope I can sleep tonight.
I am concerned about those in Houston. My cousin lives there, and he is safe, but trapped in his home because of high water, which promises to get higher. We haven't heard from Secretary Saving, have we? I know she was planning to stay in place, and I would like to know that she is okay.
Free Soup!
August 28th, 2017 at 01:47 pm
August 28th, 2017 at 03:07 pm 1503929234
August 28th, 2017 at 04:26 pm 1503933999
Good score on the purple soup! Hope it is good. I laugh because a number of years ago a group at our church did a Valentine's dinner and the lady cooking the majority of it was going to school to be a chef. She had a potato medley of white, red, and purpose potatoes. At our table, no one but DH and ate the purple potatoes!
August 28th, 2017 at 05:54 pm 1503939256
August 28th, 2017 at 06:28 pm 1503941315
Just avoid white sugar treats. Natural sugars found in fruit is fine! I find mango, pineapple and raisins especially sweet and they're okay in moderation. When's the last time you had your blood sugar checked?
August 28th, 2017 at 11:12 pm 1503958321
EC, did you go sugarless for a specific reason? Have you remained sugarless, or did you add it back in moderation?
August 29th, 2017 at 04:24 am 1503977060