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Still Slogging Through

September 21st, 2017 at 07:04 pm

I went to physical therapy this morning, and even though I was cutting it close, time-wise, I found a free parking spot. Normally I would not bother to hunt when I'm flirting with being late, but being on this self-enforced money diet, I am making the effort.

I got my electricity bill yesterday and it was higher than usual. Both electric and gas have slowly increased, so I found it necessary to rework my variables allowance. If the fixed expenses get higher, the variables must get lower.

I know that gas & electric are not really fixed in the sense that, say, my mortgage is, but I have chosen to limit variables to things I can control more easily.

Anyway, it was only a $10 monthly cut to variables, but it will make the challenge just a bit harder. Good practice for my gap year, when the cut will be deeper.

After really good progress, my knees are both hurting today. My physical therapist is prescribing rest over the weekend. I'm not sure what happened, except perhaps too much stair climbing.

Meals today: Breakfast - corny mac & cheese. Lunch - soup & breadstick. Dinner - potato bowl.

Only six more days, counting today, until my budget resets.

1 Responses to “Still Slogging Through”

  1. rob62521 Says:

    Good score on the free parking place.

    Sorry your knees are hurting. Do you think it is the weather besides the stairs?

    It seems like so many of expenses are creeping up here and there. It is frustrating. You do a fine job keeping your spending under control.

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