Home > Too Much Outgo

Too Much Outgo

October 3rd, 2017 at 04:43 pm

Yesterday after I picked up the boys, I learned that DIL had to go to the airport to pick up her aunt. I usually keep the boys until 4:15 or so, but yesterday I needed to wait until my son came home, which was more like 5:30. The boys were hungry after school, so I took them to Subway, and the three of us ate for $16. That was an unexpected expense. I could have taken them home and rustled up something, but frankly, I didn't feel like it.

Today I went to Walgreens to get my AARP deal on toiletries that I need. Well, I got SORT of a deal, because everything I bought was on sale -- but the cashier said that the AARP 20% discount did not apply because it was only for non-sale items. Darn. I might have done better had I picked out cheaper non-sale items and got the discount. As it was, I paid $24 for two large bottles of shampoo, two bottles of body wash, and a stick of deodorant. At least I will be clean and sweet-smelling for a while!

It seems to me I have received the AARP discount before on sale items (I never buy anything full price!) But I didn't have the fine print with me and couldn't argue.

At least I am getting close to my $5 reward. 710 points to go, out of 5,000.

I went on to the gym and did my modified workout.

As far as I know, I am not doing after school care today, so I plan to stick close to home and rest.

I had toast for breakfast, and I'm planning to have yesterday's Planet Fitness pizza for lunch, along with spinach salad. Dinner will be turkey manhattan, which, for you non-Midwesterners is a diner meal consisting of bread, turkey slices, gravy and mashed potatoes. Pure comfort food.

I slept very poorly last night and I hope I can nap today. C is with her sister now and is being well taken care of. It is heartwarming how her friends and family are pitching in.

2 Responses to “Too Much Outgo”

  1. rob62521 Says:

    Our Walgreens says the senior discount is only for regular price items. It seems like anything we need is always on sale on the senior discount day. It is kind of like JoAnn Fabrics...they send these coupons and it is only for a percentage off regular priced items, but usually the stuff I want is on sale, but not as much as the discount would have been. I'm beginning to think it is all a racket. Grrrr.

  2. crazyliblady Says:

    I live in the midwest and what you describe as a turkey manhattan, I have always heard is called an open faced sandwich here. I have never had it with turkey, though.

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