Home > A Lazy Sunday

A Lazy Sunday

October 15th, 2017 at 10:18 pm

I've spent another day just hanging out inside. I did take several trips up and down the steps to do laundry, but otherwise I have rested.

I ordered my $50 worth of OTC supplies from OTC-Essentials (a Medicare Advantage benefit). I ordered two bottles of Tylenol, some cold packs, a digital thermometer, wipes, dairy supplements and Epsom salts. I added $50 to my snowflakes. I've also earned $9 from Pine Cone this month, which also went to snowflakes.

C's son is here and her sister is on the way, so I am laying low today. I may take her some chicken noodle soup tomorrow, if I can goad myself into making it tonight.

I had a poor night's sleep, but took a nap in the early afternoon.

The best news of all -- the heat is on! I opened all the radiators last night, and this morning I smelled that familiar burnt-socks smell when the radiators first come on. So nice to be comfortable inside.

2 Responses to “A Lazy Sunday”

  1. PatientSaver Says:

    I would have loved to relax as well, but too much to be done. I remember when I first bought my house I loved the Sunday lazy day tradition of buying (or getting delivered) the New York Times, which is a huge paper with lots of sections. It would take me all day to read it, and my favorite sections were the home and garden sections. I haven't done that for years, precisely because I just don't have time! Maybe someday....

  2. rob62521 Says:

    Glad you have some heat! It is nice to be comfortable.

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