Home > Monday


October 17th, 2017 at 02:07 pm

Yesterday I picked up some groceries for $7 (eggs, bread, mushrooms and pepperoni). I have started buying plain cheese pizzas (frozen) that I can dress up the way I like -- or the way the grandsons like -- or both at the same time! I like the mushrooms; they like the pepperoni.

I also spent .55 on a McDonald's ice cream cone, just because, and $12 to mail two packages of books to my sister. Variables are now at 74%. Eight days to go. Frugal win -- I pulled into a parking space with 34 minutes left on the meter!

I took C some homemade chicken noodle soup yesterday, but I doubt that she will eat any. She is only occasionally having toast and tea now. She is failing fast, and it is hard to see. I pray every day that her pain will be managed and that she will not suffer. Yesterday DIL held her like a baby -- their roles completely reversed -- this is so hard.

I picked up the boys after school and they played on the playground for an hour and a half before they were ready to go home. When they got home, a fight broke out over something stupid. I know they are feeling the strain and don't even know how to handle their feelings. I separated them, and they quickly apologized to each other without my intervention. I made them do their homework and practice their instruments, and all was well when Daddy came home.

C's BFF is back today and will stay till Friday. I will be dropping in and running errands.

1 Responses to “Monday”

  1. rob62521 Says:

    You are a good friend to look out for C.

    Good score on the time on the meter.

    I'm sure the plain cheese pizzas are more economical not only money wise, but also calorie wise since you can add your own toppings and not have to eat stuff you don't want.

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