It was a no-spend day yesterday -- NOT! It would have been, but I bought the airline ticket for my sister. It was $198, but that's only one-way. We'll figure out later whether we will send her home on plane or drive her. If I drove her home I would get to visit my cousin, which I haven't done for a couple of years.
I went to C's for a while and I watched a Harry Potter movie with her and her friend, but she was clearly not feeling well. Her sister is coming back tomorrow.
I went to GS1's baseball playoff game last night. They lost, so it was the last game of the year. It was a beautiful evening, though a little chilly. I threw a quilt over my shoulders and I was comfortable enough.
We're not finished with sports, though. There is a flag football game on Saturday, and basketball will start up soon.
I finished HP and the Half-Blood Prince last night, so I'll go to the library today to get the next, and final book.
Every year I buy Christmas ornaments for the boys that represent their Halloween costumes. They are going to be Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy this year, and I found some action figures online, which I am sure can be turned into ornaments. I put them in the Amazon cart but haven't paid for them yet. I'll wait till pay day.
As it is, if I manage not to spend anything at all until payday, I won't have to take the money for the airline ticket out of savings. It would put my variables at 101%, which is a pretty typical month. It's only a week -- I can do it, if there are no surprises.
Money Out
October 18th, 2017 at 02:18 pm
October 18th, 2017 at 04:29 pm 1508340598
October 19th, 2017 at 04:06 am 1508382366
October 19th, 2017 at 10:36 pm 1508449009