C came to the flag football game yesterday, but she stayed in her car, along with her friend. When I stopped to say hi, she seemed confused. DIL says that her pain medication has been increased and is now in patch form so that her stomach doesn't get upset. The downside is that she is confused. She has even been having hallucinations, but DIL assures me that at least they are good ones.
After the game, I went out to lunch with my son, DIL and the grandsons. I shouldn't have spent the money, but it just didn't feel right to say no. We went to Chili's. I spent $15. We played Mars Attacks at the table and had a good time. We need times like this!
I also spent $1 on parking, but I found .12 under the parking meter!
I spent the rest of the day at home. I put together the bottom layer of the shepherd's pie; today I'll make the mashed potato topping and bake it. I also have half of my lunch from yesterday to eat.
I'll be doing a load of laundry today, too. I have only $8 till pay day!
Sunday Morning
October 22nd, 2017 at 02:37 pm
October 22nd, 2017 at 06:05 pm 1508691943
October 22nd, 2017 at 07:11 pm 1508695879
Sorry C is confused, but if she isn't having nightmares and isn't in as much pain, that's something.
October 22nd, 2017 at 09:18 pm 1508703505
Prayers for all of you continue. My grandmother's hallucinations at the end were my grandpa and her sister (and she spoke so lucidly to them, part of me wonders if it wasn't their way of reassuring her it would be ok and welcoming her.) I hope that things continue to be comfortable for her. And extra prayers for your DIL; it has to be so so hard for her.