The flag football game was indeed cold; I sat in spitting rain, also. Thank goodness the game went pretty fast, and was sweetened by 32-0 score in our favor. My grandson made three touchdowns, though one was not counted because of a flag on the play.
Afterwards the parents shared donuts and hot chocolate -- there was enough that I had a donut, too.
After the game I went to C's, and I spent most of the day there. Mostly I was talking with her friend M, who is putting in long hours there. C is not really capable of conversation any more, she drifts in and out of consciousness and she cannot speak very well. But she seems to be pretty comfortable pain-wise, and she sleeps a lot. She was happy to hear about our grandson's touchdowns, so she is not completely out of it.
I can't help but think the end must be coming soon, but I've never been through this before -- I don't know how long someone can last in this state.
DIL was with us for a while in the morning, but needed to go home. Later in the day, I talked with her on the phone and she was in tears, not emotionally capable of coming back. She is very strong, but then she breaks. I hope for her sake that her mother doesn't linger too long, so that her own healing can begin.
I spent $14 on lunch for M and me, and I also picked up some cider for M for $3. When I got home, I spent $1.50 on laundry.
I'm going back today, but I've got to gear up for it.
October 29th, 2017 at 12:21 pm
October 29th, 2017 at 01:20 pm 1509283200
October 29th, 2017 at 02:54 pm 1509288863
I'm praying for your DIL, just hearing about C reminds me of my dad, he was in and out as well. Thankfully he didn't suffer. I'm sending virtual hugs and prayers
October 29th, 2017 at 06:30 pm 1509301810
October 30th, 2017 at 01:47 pm 1509371241