The nurse, that is, that is doing my health assessment so I can earn a $15 Walmart gift card.
She called yesterday and left a voicemail message to change our window from 2-4 to 11-1. I tried to call back, but she didn't answer and her voicemail mailbox was full. So I texted her that 11-1 was okay. I did not hear back, so, actually, I have no idea when she's coming! It doesn't really matter, since I don't plan to go anywhere today except to the gym, and I'll do that whenever she is done.
I didn't spend anything yesterday, just went to the gym and then stayed home for the day.
We had a lovely snowfall that beautified the landscape but doesn't seem to have snarled up traffic or anything. And it doesn't look like my car is buried, just decorated!
I had some sweet potato soup in the freezer, which I didn't enjoy very much because it was more sweet than savory. I decided to turn it into pancake batter and it was a good decision! The sweet potato pancakes were delicious, and I'm going to get three servings from the batch.
I tried to make popcorn yesterday (in the pan, not microwave) and the stuff just wouldn't pop. I knew it was due to lack of moisture. I looked up proportions, and learned that I should add one teaspoon of water to one cup of corn and store in a jar in the fridge. So I've got three cups in there, moistening up. Hope it works. I bought a big bag of kernels, and I don't want to throw them away.
Waiting for the Nurse
February 18th, 2018 at 03:57 pm
February 18th, 2018 at 04:19 pm 1518970794
February 18th, 2018 at 04:22 pm 1518970933
February 18th, 2018 at 08:14 pm 1518984881
February 19th, 2018 at 08:53 pm 1519073607