No spending yesterday, other than laundry.
After eating another serving of soup and a veggie plate dinner, I froze the soup and the snow peas. There is just too much to deal with right now.
I also have a lot of carrots, but they will keep longer and I can plug away at eating them.
I'm planning to make mac & cheese today -- the kind you bake in the oven. I also need to make some more bread and more granola. Not sure how much I'll accomplish today, since I usually have after school care on Monday.
The kids didn't call me this weekend about seeing Wrinkle in Time, so I have a little extra money which I can use toward eating out with the librarians on Wednesday. I'll RSVP today. We're going to a taco place; it shouldn't be too expensive.
I keep checking my mystery shopping sites, but everything offered is just too far away to be viable. Speaking of mystery shopping, I haven't received any of my compensation yet. I know it takes some time, but at this point I want to make sure I'm actually going to get paid before I commit to very much more.
Another problem is that they send me offers for sites in Chicago. That's problematic, because parking in Chicago would cost about what the compensation would be. Plus, I would just rather not go to unknown parts of the city. So many areas are not safe.
Well, time to get to the gym!
No-Spend Day
March 19th, 2018 at 01:56 pm
March 19th, 2018 at 03:37 pm 1521473858
March 19th, 2018 at 05:41 pm 1521481278
March 19th, 2018 at 06:45 pm 1521485132
Hope you have a delightful librarian luncheon.