Home > Swapping Items, Etc.

Swapping Items, Etc.

May 15th, 2018 at 09:52 pm

The baskets I bought for the pantry didn't fit, so I returned them and bought some metal baskets, which were smaller and cheaper. This time around I had my Walmart gift card, so the total cost was only $7 -- and $29 was refunded to my credit card. That changes my variables to only 54%, with 8 days till pay day.

I got a couple of big jobs done today -- I cleaned the fish tank, and I thawed and cooked three pounds of ground beef. One pound I formed into mini-burgers, one into meatballs, and the third was crumbled for chili at some future date.

I got a $8 cash back from Chase. I'm expecting a big cash back from my BOA Travel card. Several of my hotel stays have not been credited yet, so I'm waiting until all are accounted for before I transfer the cash into my bank account.

I went to the gym today -- and it was bagel day -- but I forgot and didn't even notice whether the bagels were laid out or not! I may have been too early.

1 Responses to “Swapping Items, Etc.”

  1. rob62521 Says:

    Sounds like a good swap on the baskets.

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