Home > This and That

This and That

May 30th, 2018 at 12:37 pm

After yesterday's gym session, I went to Food4Less and spent $2 on mangoes, zucchini and an apple. Then I stopped at PetSmart and spent $11 on aquarium filters.

Variables are at 10%.

I applied for a new Wells Fargo credit card, which will pay $200 after spending $1000 in the first 3 months. I figure that will be easily done, especially since I can put my "new, improved" car insurance payment on it in June, if the new card arrives in time.

Today I'm going to go to DIL's to let the cleaning crew in, and I'll take GS2 for a haircut after school -- that is, if our favorite stylist at Supercuts is working today. Unfortunately, I can't check on that until the place opens at 9.

I'm going to start going to the gym every other day to see if my leg/hip pain improves. It will save on gas, too.

I got my first free car wash yesterday. Did I say? One of the perks for buying a car at the place I did is that I get free car washes for the life of the car. It's kind of awkward because you have to drive into the service area, and then they take it away and wash it while you wait in the lounge. So if they are busy, they won't necessarily get to it right away. But it is a service they offer and I am going to use it.

6 Responses to “This and That”

  1. Rose. Says:

    A free car wash is a pretty good deal! I get a free car wash at my dealership when I get a service done. But its nice because their lounge has nice TVs and sodas/coffee and snacks, so I don't mind waiting.

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