Yesterday I completed a mystery shop at a phone/internet/cable carrier -- not mine. Well, I'm considering switching, because the plan they presented to me would save me $25 a month. But that doesn't count those dreaded added fees, which might easily eat up the bulk of the savings. The downside is that I would probably have to change my phone number, and of course, there is an activation fee and new stuff to learn. But I would get more channels and a new phone (which I don't need).
I'm not naming the carrier because of the terms of the mystery shop.
I'm probably not going to do it. But I might.
Other than that, I had my free lunch at Panera, and on the way home, I got a free donut from Dunkin Donuts -- I did have to buy a cup of coffee there for $1.19. Can't drink coffee that late in the day, but I put it in the fridge and had it this morning cold with creamer.
Then it was off to a baseball game in the evening, but it was so bitterly cold and windy, I ended up taking my younger grandson home before the 4th inning, and I don't even know yet who won.
During the day, I did a $1.50 load of laundry.
It is time to make bread again, but since there's a baseball game today, I probably won't do it today. Tomorrow is pretty free, except for an evening mystery shop at a restaurant.
I applied for a free transit pass for seniors. For the first time, my income is low enough to qualify. It's not approved yet, because they have to check the numbers, but since I took them straight from my most recent tax filing, I don't think there will be any problem. Free transit will be great -- I can use the trains and buses, and that should save me on gas and parking.
Just went to Sam's and spent $7 on a bundle of 8 packages of penne. I think that's going to become my all-purpose pasta! I'm already planning to cook it with marinara, ground beef and zucchini, and then again in an Alfredo sauce with chicken and mushrooms.
Variables are now at 13%.
Saturday Musings
June 2nd, 2018 at 04:36 pm
June 2nd, 2018 at 07:06 pm 1527962803
June 2nd, 2018 at 09:34 pm 1527971675
June 3rd, 2018 at 11:30 am 1528021857
June 3rd, 2018 at 11:43 am 1528022612