Monday is the last day of school, so I will be spending more time on child care soon. And the 15th of this month will see my last payout from the College. Thus, Gap Year will officially begin. Another change -- my nephew and his family are moving out west, much sooner than they thought because their condo sold so quickly. They will be missed.
There were two baseball games yesterday. I bought a hot dog between the two, for $3.
My Planet Fitness annual fee hit my credit card to the tune of $29. I'm glad I'm getting such things out of my way before Gap Year officially begins.
Variables are at 16%.
I found .13 yesterday! Ball parks are really good places for finding stray change!
I did a Pine Cone survey so that will be another $3 coming in. And I have $46 outstanding in mystery shops, not counting reimbursements.
Today I'm going to make a trip to the library to stock up on some reading material, and in the evening I have a mystery shop (restaurant) in a nearby suburb. Stuff to do at home includes making bread, making corn pone pie, and cleaning the fish tank.
GS2 has already requested a trip to the roller rink this summer. Oy! I'll be sitting on the sideline, for sure.
Things Are Changing
June 3rd, 2018 at 12:04 pm
June 4th, 2018 at 12:42 pm 1528112575
June 10th, 2018 at 03:56 am 1528599367