Home > First Day of Summer Day Care

First Day of Summer Day Care

June 5th, 2018 at 10:01 pm

Just finished my first full day with the boys -- actually, it was only from 9:30 to 3:30, so not even a full day. We went to the library in the morning and then went shopping at a comic book store in the afternoon-- they had a gift certificate. GS1 made lunch -- Kraft mac & cheese. The only down side of the day is that I had to pay $4 in parking. I tried to get under the one-hour mark in the parking garages (which is free) but once the hour passes you owe $2. I guess I'll go back to parking meters.

Yesterday I spent $14 at Food4Less.

Variables are at 50%. There were several items I forgot to record in variables, including my license plates and my wheel tax, so it took a jump. This number makes more sense. I was doing so well, it couldn't be right!

Next month I have big credit card bills coming due, mostly related to the purchase of the new car. To help pay them, I closed my Cap One Sharebuilder account, which will net me around $400. I opened that account years ago when they were running a deal where they would match a $75 deposit. I mostly just watched it for fun; I haven't done anything with it. Now I can use the cash.

Just got my Wells Fargo Visa card and set up the account. But when I tried to use it at the parking garage it didn't work. Hope I will not continue to have a problem with it.

3 Responses to “First Day of Summer Day Care”

  1. shiela Says:

    I wish I was in that side of the planet right now where it's warm.

  2. ceejay74 Says:

    Nice work on the daycare! Are you going to do that full-time during the summer or just some days?

  3. CB in the City Says:

    I'll be doing this mainly Monday through Thursday, with random days off when DIL doesn't have to work.

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