More spending today. I got a reminder that it was my Florida DIL's birthday. I hadn't forgotten that it was coming up soon, but I lost track of the day. Quel surprise! I sent her a card with a $50 Panera gift card enclosed and texted her my apology for being late.
I also bought a cute desktop organizer for my local DIL's birthday, which is next week. $12. I have another gift in reserve, a globe stand, for which I paid $27, so I need to find another small gift for her.
Next month I'll begin giving token gifts of $10 or less, as gap year goes into full swing. I didn't want to do it this month, as I will still be in gap year mode next June, and the girls would get shortchanged two years in a row.
I took GS1 out to lunch at Noodles & Co., but DIL will reimburse me.
I donated $4 to a fundraiser for a family whose son died in a random act of violence.
Variables are at 72%.
BFF arrives tomorrow, but before she arrives I'll go to the dentist. I'm also planning to close my Chase account, but only if my last payment from the College is processed. And if I have time, I'll get the haircut I've been putting off.
June 15th, 2018 at 01:05 am
June 15th, 2018 at 01:57 am 1529024257
June 15th, 2018 at 08:51 pm 1529092282