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No Spending Today

June 23rd, 2018 at 10:43 pm

I did use some gas, when I drove to the library and then to the two baseball games. I checked out two books which I must finish within one week.

I gave DIL her birthday gifts: a desk organizer, a globe stand, and an Amazon gift card (which I earned with hotel points).

I got a $25 Panera gift card in the mail, which I earned with travel card points. I also got info on my auto warranty, which was a relief. I didn't have any, and I wasn't sure whether it was coming.

I ate leftovers from yesterday's dinner for breakfast, and at 3:30 I ate a second meal of meatballs in marinara sauce with penne, and California blend vegetables. I ate a tiny serving of ice cream -- trying to cut down on sweets, but not cut them out entirely. I feel very satisfied, and I think I'm going to stick with two meals today.

After the games I did some routine housework, and now I am reading and lounging. I'm very sleepy and I may make it an early night.

Overall, a very nice day.

2 Responses to “No Spending Today”

  1. Amber Says:

    Awesome job on the freebies

  2. rob62521 Says:

    You sure did a great job finding reasonably priced gifts and stuff with your points.

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