I drove to my credit union yesterday because I wanted to talk to a mortgage specialist in person. The credit union is about 20 miles away, but the trip was longer than that because traffic was terrible. Lots of construction.
Well, of course I got there, and they don't even have a mortgage person in the office! They gave me a phone number. I should have called in advance, I know.
In order not to waste the trip, I made a stop at a bakery outlet that is in the area. I spent $9 on Texas Toast, mini subs, English muffins, Hawaiian rolls, hot dog buns, mini bagels and ginger snaps. All stuff that will help me feed the boys this summer.
Then I made another stop at Dress Barn. I had a gift card balance to use up. I bought a swimsuit cover-up which cost me nothing, and I still have $4 on the card.
Before the trip, I got my hair cut - $18, and that was with the senior discount. The price is creeping up. But boy, it feels good to get all that hair off my neck!
Variables are now 5%.
We are having severely hot weather. I am running my air conditioners full time. I got a text yesterday that it was a peak savings day, which means if I reduce my electrical usage I get a rebate. Yesterday was just not the day. I didn't want to give the heat a chance to get a toehold. My two AC's are barely keeping up as it is.
It remains very hot today, and GS2 has a baseball game. I wish they would cancel it, but it is his last game, and I think they will carry on.
Tonight I'm going to a local brewery to celebrate DIL's 40th birthday. I think food will be provided. Cake for sure!
Yesterday I took all the leftover stuff out of the freezer that I had tucked away to use later. Broth, milk, chopped zucchini, soup. I needed to make room in the freezer. I'll make stirfry today, and perhaps some peanut soup.
But for now, I'm going to the gym. Happy Saturday, everyone!
Trip to the Credit Union
June 30th, 2018 at 12:29 pm