Home > Grocery Shopping

Grocery Shopping

July 20th, 2018 at 02:14 pm

I went to Food4Less and Aldi yesterday, which pushed my grocery spending above $100 for the month. I don't like to ever break $100, but it happens once in a while. At Aldi, in particular, I did some stocking up -- for instance, meat to keep in the freezer. I think this food should last for a while.

I had a bit of a scare at Aldi. I pulled up to the store and there was a huge construction fence and the store itself was stripped of any recognizable feature. I thought they were demolishing it! But no, it was a remodel, and I was able to follow a path to get in, where everything was intact.

I also went to the gym, and, of course, babysat in the afternoon. The boys take their lunches to morning sports camp, and I have been going through the remains they bring home. Yesterday one of them brought back a whole sandwich. Knowing it would be thrown out otherwise, I ate it for my dinner. A free meal!

Next week will be a change of pace. Monday will be normal, Tuesday the boys are going to Six Flags, so I'll be off, and on Wednesday I'm going to take them to the kids' movie (Paddington 2), grab lunch, and then drive to Michigan. We'll stay at my brother's until Saturday morning. This will be the first time it's been just me and boys at my brother's house, and I hope it goes well.

The trip to Michigan will begin on pay day, so all of the cost of it will go on next month's budget.

Right now, variables are at 55%. Only five days till pay day.

3 Responses to “Grocery Shopping”

  1. StressLess Says:

    CB, our Aldi was remodeled awhile ago, and from my experience (and what I've read online about remodels in other areas)... They usually close for a little while at some point, and then when they re-open they have some really substantial coupons. Something to look forward to. Wink

  2. My English Castle Says:

    Nice job keeping those variables low.

  3. rob62521 Says:

    Stressless beat me to it...when they have remodeled one of the Aldi's they did close it for awhile. Fortunately we have two in our city. But, the coupons were great. We have one that built a new store and their grand opening is Thursday. I hope they have wonderful coupons.

    Hope you have a wonderful trip to "Pure Michigan."

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