Home > A Little More Income

A Little More Income

September 24th, 2018 at 07:34 pm

I just packed up two more items I sold on eBay, and I just did another mystery shop. Altogether about $25 in income. I am working hard on these side hustles!

I had my quiet day yesterday. No spending, no driving, just a calm day of relaxation.

Tonight I go to my grandson's family birthday party at Buffalo Wild Wings. That should be my last hoo-rah before pay day. I'll try to order cheaply. But I think I've earned enough this month to make up for the deficits and to give me a little extra for next month.

I stopped at the Senior Center and they gave me the number of a SHIP (Medicare) counselor to call. I made the call, but had to leave a message on voicemail, so who knows when we will actually talk. I hope it's soon.

2 Responses to “A Little More Income”

  1. rob62521 Says:

    It is frustrating when you have to hurry up and wait for someone to call back. Do hope you can find a better policy.

    Have fun at the grandson's party.

  2. frugaltexan75 Says:

    Congrats on the eBay sales!

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