Home > Haircut, Etc.

Haircut, Etc.

October 10th, 2018 at 02:02 pm

I got a haircut yesterday for $18, using a $2 coupon. And I paid my grandson $5 for his cat-sitting services while I was gone last weekend.

My variables are at 42%, with two weeks to go.

The ortho doctor's office called last night and left a message that it was too early to make an April appointment for surgery. I see him in December for a followup appointment, so I'll discuss it with him then.

That reminded me that my primary care doctor wanted me to make a followup appointment 4-6 weeks after our last, so I scheduled one for October 30.

Nothing is on tap today except for child care after school.

Yesterday I repacked some of the boxes for the yard sale, and I have taken two of them down to the car.

I won't list my new eBay items until I get done with the yard sale. I don't want to be scrambling for boxes, etc., until that big event is finished.

I won our family's football pool last week! Well, sort of -- it was a 3-way tie. I think I will get a little cash for that.

My old work friends have planned a dinner at a restaurant about an hour away. It will take place next Monday and it probably won't be cheap. But still, I'm in. I need to keep my social contacts active; it's so easy to get isolated once you're retired.

I got an email that I still had a $19 reward on my Wells Fargo card, so I went through their online catalog and selected a boat tote that was on sale. I won't use it for boating, however, I'll use it for quilt pieces. I started a quilt at least a year ago and haven't made much progress, but if I can sew together pieces at odd moments, I might get somewhere.

It's still warm today, but we're expecting a cold front today. That's too bad, because it means it will probably be cold for the yard sale. But I'm committed. I'll do it.

2 Responses to “Haircut, Etc.”

  1. Wink Says:

    I hope you have good weather for the yard sale, and lot's of shoppers!

  2. frugaltexan75 Says:

    Hope the sale went well!

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