I got a haircut yesterday for $18, using a $2 coupon. And I paid my grandson $5 for his cat-sitting services while I was gone last weekend.
My variables are at 42%, with two weeks to go.
The ortho doctor's office called last night and left a message that it was too early to make an April appointment for surgery. I see him in December for a followup appointment, so I'll discuss it with him then.
That reminded me that my primary care doctor wanted me to make a followup appointment 4-6 weeks after our last, so I scheduled one for October 30.
Nothing is on tap today except for child care after school.
Yesterday I repacked some of the boxes for the yard sale, and I have taken two of them down to the car.
I won't list my new eBay items until I get done with the yard sale. I don't want to be scrambling for boxes, etc., until that big event is finished.
I won our family's football pool last week! Well, sort of -- it was a 3-way tie. I think I will get a little cash for that.
My old work friends have planned a dinner at a restaurant about an hour away. It will take place next Monday and it probably won't be cheap. But still, I'm in. I need to keep my social contacts active; it's so easy to get isolated once you're retired.
I got an email that I still had a $19 reward on my Wells Fargo card, so I went through their online catalog and selected a boat tote that was on sale. I won't use it for boating, however, I'll use it for quilt pieces. I started a quilt at least a year ago and haven't made much progress, but if I can sew together pieces at odd moments, I might get somewhere.
It's still warm today, but we're expecting a cold front today. That's too bad, because it means it will probably be cold for the yard sale. But I'm committed. I'll do it.
Haircut, Etc.
October 10th, 2018 at 02:02 pm
October 11th, 2018 at 01:34 am 1539218040
October 11th, 2018 at 05:26 pm 1539275167