Home > Impatient


November 13th, 2018 at 01:51 pm

I'm impatient for more income -- waiting for payment from mystery shops, the county clerk's office (for poll work) and for the Amazon gift cards I ordered. And I'm wishing that some of my eBay items would sell.

Instead, I got a letter telling me that my assessment fees will rise by 5% in January, which will be about $20 more.

So far, I have only $41 to add to next month's income.

Yesterday was a no-spend day. Today may be another, though soon I will need to buy dairy-aid pills.

Someone on Freecycle offered a 40-gallon aquarium with fixtures, but I didn't reply soon enough to get it.

I finished "Pillars of the Earth," which is a very big book! I want to read the sequel, but right now I'm reading "Crows Over a Wheatfield" by Paula Sharp. I got it from one of those "little libraries."

Tomorrow is GS1's birthday. His orchestra is having a concert, so we will go to that and have the party afterward. I ordered his gift on Amazon, using a gift card, so it was free. He won't be thrilled -- it's a robe -- but I couldn't afford the toys he had on his list. I have to make my Amazon gift cards last through Christmas. Anyway, I do hope he will appreciate the robe on cold winter mornings to come.

4 Responses to “Impatient”

  1. Wife of the Deacon Says:

    Robes are always good gifts! Smile

  2. Miss Chatty Says:

    How are you going with your handmade Christmas gifts CB?

  3. Robert Wadera Says:

    I found a lot of interesting information here. A really good post, very thankful and hopeful that you will write many more posts like this one
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  4. love2walk Says:

    For Christmas Gifts or birthdays - maybe make out a gift certificate for going to see a movie or taking them to their favorite restaurant. Things you are doing anyway with your grandchildren - but you could use that as their gift?

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