Home > This and That

This and That

November 14th, 2018 at 04:11 pm

I ordered myself a new shower curtain liner from Amazon, using my gift card, so there was no cost. I bought a new liner a few weeks ago, but I bought a cheap one, forgetting why I couldn't buy a cheap one. Two weeks of fighting the curtain as it drifted in and stuck to my legs, and wiping water off the bathroom floor, made me realize I had to admit my mistake and correct the situation. I read lots of reviews and I hope I selected one that will stay put. The one I bought is water-resistant fabric, weighted at the bottom, and longer.

I went to the gym and bicycled and took advantage of the bagel breakfast while I was there. I'll go back today for strength training. Then it's off to Sam's to get the dairy digestive aid. Tonight is GS1's concert and then his birthday party.

I'm making plans for Thanksgiving next week. Will probably leave home on Wednesday morning so I can help my brother with preparations (not that he needs much help!) And I'll stay till Sunday, when my nephew flies back to Florida. I tried to make plans to have lunch with my friend P, but he will be gone that whole time, so we decided to meet some time in December.

I was interrupted here -- my DIL called and asked me to stay with their cat while she took GS2 to the doctor. Their cat is dying. She is grappling with whether to have her put down or not. Since it's GS1's birthday, she really doesn't want the death to happen today. I sat with the poor kitty for about an hour and a half; she is sleeping now.

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