My mystery shop ended up being pretty much a wash. I bought an ornament for $15, so with the $5 reimbursement and the $12 payment, I made $2. If they give me full credit. Still, I'm glad I bought the ornament; it has special meaning and I'll always enjoy putting it on my tree. And it made more sense to me to buy something I really wanted rather than buy something I didn't want for $5. Believe me, pickins were slim for $5 items.
I did a Pine Cone survey yesterday, but I wasn't sure in the end whether I really did a survey or just the pre-survey, where you don't get paid. It's getting hard to tell; the qualifying part seems to be getting longer and longer.
I received a $6 mystery shop payment through PayPal. Still waiting for the big one.
I cut out 26 fabric rectangles yesterday. That means I can make 13 placemats. It may not be that many, since I can see that some of the colors and patterns will not go together well. Today I'll do some pairing up and make the final decisions.
Nothing on the agenda today except going to the gym. And I want to try out Laura's chicken chili. I'm not sure I have all the ingredients so I may need to make a run to the store.
Mystery Shop
November 17th, 2018 at 01:20 pm
November 17th, 2018 at 02:21 pm 1542464467
I hope you enjoy the chili! I made it on Monday when D's boyfriend came over for the first sit-down dinner with all of us. He liked it and had two helpings. I'm glad you found a meaningful ornament that will bring you joy!
November 18th, 2018 at 02:18 am 1542507491
November 18th, 2018 at 03:24 pm 1542554678