Home > Pay Day

Pay Day

November 28th, 2018 at 01:09 pm

I spent 86% of my variables in November. Here is the breakdown of my total spending:

Housing: $1105
Utilities: $164
Medical/Health: $123
Phone: $104
Groceries: $95
Vacation/Travel: $73
Eating Out: $55
Personal: $54
Gas: $47
Entertainment: $43
Fees/Services: $38
Vet/Pet Supplies: $24
Gifts/Charity: $21
Fares/Parking: $20
Laundry: $18
Furnishings/Equipment/Decor: $10
Clothing: $10
Household Supplies: $3

Grand Total: $2007

As I said before, assessment fees and phone bills hit twice, artificially raising the total.

My average variables spending so far this year is 88%, and I am happy with that.

I'm going to do a little grocery shopping today at Aldi. In the evening I am going out to dinner with DS & family for his birthday. I bought a gift for him a few months ago, so I just need to wrap it today.

Many aches and pains today from cleaning off my car. It was not only covered in snow, but there was a thick layer of ice under the snow, which was very hard to chip off. But I got it done, and there is only light snow expected today.

1 Responses to “Pay Day”

  1. rob62521 Says:

    Even with the two assessments fees and phone bills, hitting twice, you still didn't go over your variables. It shows how careful you really are.

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