Home > BFF Watch

BFF Watch

December 27th, 2018 at 02:35 pm

I am hoping my BFF will come today. She was planning to come, but she texted me last night that she had a headache. She often cancels plans. I hope this isn't one of those times, but I have a feeling.

The kids are leaving today for Florida and they'll be gone for a week or more. I'll be feeding their cat and cleaning his litter box. The good thing is that DIL told me to PLEASE take the perishable food out of the refrigerator and use it, and I will!

Tomorrow I'm going out to dinner with some old work friends. The restaurant is about an hour drive away, but it's worth the effort to keep these connections going. One of them is visiting from her new home in Ohio.

Yesterday I transferred my prescription to Osco, which will save me $16 over what Walgreens was going to charge me. That was certainly worth it! I will pick it up today.

While I was out, I picked up a few groceries for $5, and did a load of laundry. Variables - 1%!

I'm thinking about my goals for 2019. I haven't developed them yet, but here are the things I'm thinking about:

A housework schedule
Better self-care
Cooking & baking from scratch more regularly
Adding (forcing) more vegetables to my diet
Practicing on the recorder
Early attention to homemade gifts
More cardio exercise
Better handling of mail and paper

AARP is bugging me to renew, but I think I will let it go. AAA also covers the the benefits I'm interested in -- mainly hotel discounts. The renewal fee is cheap, but I need to be even more careful. Because of course my main goal is get through this gap year! Eight months to go!

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