January 3rd, 2019 at 02:44 pm
Yesterday I spent $40 at Sam's for dishwasher pods, fabric softener sheets, bread and fruit bars. Then I went to PetSmart, where I spent $43 on cat food and fish food. On to Aldi, where I spent $5 on snacks to keep in the car. This is my new strategy with the boys -- a bag of assorted snacks in the car, to keep them from bugging me to go to McDonalds or Steak N Shake. They're still in Florida, and won't go back to school till Monday, but I'll be ready for them!
Variables are at 26%.
Today I plan to make a library trip; no other outing.
I got the lights off the tree and packed up; now it's just a matter of taking the tree apart and putting it away. However, the box for the tree is at the back of a deep well-packed closet, so I will have to move everything out and back in. Oh well, extra exercise.
I plan to make some granola today. No other cooking, as I have lots of casserole left and plenty of food in the freezer.
I've joined the Frugalwoods' challenge, but I am basically just reading along. My frugal habits are well-entrenched. I do expect that this will be a low grocery month. My biggest expense will be the semi-annual auto insurance, which is due to hit today. Next month I will have another big expense, when the property tax is due. I save for these expenses all year, so it is not a big deal.
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January 2nd, 2019 at 03:21 pm
Wow, it's so cold in my house this morning! I've been keeping my radiators turned off, because it's been so warm, but the temperature must have dropped outside. All the radiators are on again.
Yesterday was a no-spend day. My major work of the day was taking down Christmas decorations. I got everything done except for taking the lights off the tree and dismantling the tree. This morning I am enjoying one last morning with the lights shining.
I also made an awesome beef stroganoff casserole from leftovers.
Today it is back to the gym, and then I will stop at Sam's for Cascade pods and Bounce, and then at PetSmart for fish food and cat food. So today will NOT be a no-spend day.
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January 1st, 2019 at 03:28 pm
It has not been an auspicious beginning for me. I was unable to fall asleep last night -- probably did not drop off until after 2 a.m. But I got to see (and hear) the new year come in! Lots of noise -- I hope they weren't guns!
In the morning, I was putting away a baking pan and brought down a bunch of tins on my head. I have a lump on my head. I shouldn't have tried to do that without getting on a footstool.
I always love New Year's Day, though, because it is a day of reflection and regeneration. I do honestly think about the behaviors I want to eliminate, and the ones I want to embellish and improve.
Yesterday I posted the things I want to get done around the house. Here is what I want to do on a larger scale.
Travel. Once I get a decent income again, I want to visit my son in Florida, maybe going to Disney World this time. That is my first priority, but other possibilities for travel are a trip to Oregon & Washington, and a trip to Cooperstown, NY, for my grandson's travel team playoffs. I also want to visit a friend in Minnesota.
Social Life. Make new friends and attend more events. This is not easy for me, as I am not a chatty person -- really pretty awkward socially. But I am sincere and kind, and should it really be that hard to make friends with actual good qualities rather than superficial ones? I don't know. This year I am going to try, without putting on a persona that feels false.
Nutrition. I am not a vegetable lover, but I will incorporate more vegetables into my meals. And I will do better on the two main things I need to do as a kidney patient -- limit protein and drink lots of water.
Exercise. I need to walk more. Whether it's on the treadmill at the gym, or around the neighborhood, I need to hoof it more.
Personal enrichment. Playing my recorder, reading, drawing, seeing movies I really want to see -- I want to give myself permission to enjoy myself.
Gratitude. I need to remind myself more what a good life I have and appreciate all the wonders that are right at my fingertips.
I don't really have any financial resolutions, as I am living them daily. I may need to revisit financial habits when my income goes up again.
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