Home > Day 4 Grandma Duty

Day 4 Grandma Duty

February 21st, 2019 at 03:28 pm

Last night we had music lessons. I was planning on making chicken sliders for a quick dinner, but decided instead on hot dogs, which were even faster. We also had fruit.

While I was off duty I stopped at Aldi's and spent $3 on buns and bottled water.

Tonight GS1 is performing at his school -- it is a public performance prior to the solo & ensemble competition which will take place this Saturday. So it will be another night for a quick dinner. I think I'll make tuna melts.

And tomorrow, mom and dad come home! They won't arrive until almost midnight, so it will be a full day, but even though things have been going very well, I think we will all be happy to see them, and get back to normal.

Now, bad money news. I discovered a big crack in my fender yesterday, and I think it will have to replaced. I did scrape a pillar in a parking garage last week, but I thought there was no damage. Maybe I didn't notice the back, since I was focused on the side. Or maybe this happened in a parking lot, or on the street, where parallel parking is a collision course. I don't know. But it's got to be fixed. My guess is it wouldn't be worth going through insurance, though I'm not really up to date on how much a fender costs. I don't want to drive up the cost of my insurance -- it's high enough already.

3 Responses to “Day 4 Grandma Duty”

  1. michele Says:

    CB - check on amazon, or google "replacement bumper for ____" sometimes you can buy them outright and have a body shop put them on (or maybe your son could with the help of you tube).
    We recently did this with a sideview mirror and it was easy, peasy and cheaper. Just a thought before turning in on insurance or going through a body shop for parts.

  2. Terry Says:

    These sort of unexpected expenses can always land you in big financial cringe. I have been through a similar scenario and I know how bad it is. Anyway, I am sure that you will be able to pull through this easily.
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