Home > Medical prep

Medical prep

March 14th, 2019 at 08:38 pm

Doctor visit went well yesterday. I had a bad moment when I thought I had waited too long to schedule my CT scan, meaning I would have to change the surgery date, but I got it done this morning and I'm still on schedule. I got an EKG yesterday, and blood work this morning. All this cost $5 copay and $4 for parking -- so far.

I took the boys to music lessons after school, and bought dinner for them at McDonald's for $6.

Filling the tank today cost $23.

I'm not near my computer right now but I think my variables are now at 60 percent.

The doctor had forms for a living will and durable power of attorney, so I can get those done at no cost. Just need to have a couple of witnesses when I sign.

Everything is looking good!

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