That's what I paid this morning for surgery-related services. If only it would stay that way!
It looks like the really big costs have been processed and picked up by insurance. I know that more will trickle in, but it's kind of a relief to see those big amounts wiped out.
I still think the big costs for me will be the copays for home nursing visits and and physical therapy.
No visits today. My big event is that I'll wash my hair.
Oh yes, I did get my car back yesterday. Not that I need it -- but I will no longer get calls about moving it off their lot.
April 11th, 2019 at 01:53 pm
April 11th, 2019 at 10:20 pm 1555017601
I finally received a bill from the provider for PT services that I received from mid-January thru mid-February. The insurer had told me that I owed over $1,200 but I was relieved to see that, based on my agreement with the provider, which had me expecting to pay $800 ($100 x 8 sessions), my bill in the end is just under $755.
By the way, your online name is "Carolina Bound" and I went back and read a few of your first entries in which you indicated an intent to retire to Carolina and move in with a cousin, but I know you're still in the mid-west. Is Carolina still your ultimate plan or will you be staying put? Just curious!
April 11th, 2019 at 10:58 pm 1555019929
When I moved back, I changed my blog name to CB in the City. I don't know why the old name appears in some places.