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The Insurance Money

October 30th, 2019 at 02:03 pm

Yesterday my agent texted me that my check (!) had been sent on the 25th and should arrive in 7 to 10 days. I fired back, what happened to quick pay, which I signed up for as my preferred payment? Apparently, I was too late in turning in my title. Though I did transfer it to the glove box on the day the car was totaled, it wasn't there when the adjustor was there, and so wasn't officially turned in until the next day, when the car was towed away.

Well, I was very unhappy, expecting the money to come on Friday at best and next week at worst. Then I went and got my mail.... The check was there!

I'm still a little perturbed, since now I have to wait for the check to clear (I deposited it online). I also noticed that I did not get the towing reimbursement, but that may come from a different office. I'll call today.

With any luck, I can shop tomorrow -- except that it is Halloween, and my son will not be available to bus me, so maybe not.

I did not make the bus trip to the library yesterday. I thought I would try to finish reading my current book first. I didn't, but I'm a lot closer. I still have a few days.

I also need to make a trip to the senior center to pick up a debit card for discounted taxi/Uber service. I might as well wait till I have the new car, so I can take care of the wheel tax at the same time.

I checked on my variables yesterday, made a few corrections, and it is now 87%. Still under. I am going to have to be very careful in the next few months, because it's going to take time to rebuild my EF, some of which is going to go toward the new car.

5 Responses to “The Insurance Money”

  1. LivingAlmostLarge Says:

    Did you decide on a car?

  2. CB in the City Says:

    I haven't settled on one, though I've looked at a lot (online, of course). Leaning toward Mazda.

  3. AnotherReader Says:

    I would avoid Mazda. They are cheaper for a reason. Stick with Honda and Toyota.

    In my state, my 2013 Toyota Corolla with 50k miles would go for $8,000 in a private party sale. No rust out here. You should be able to find something like that. Do you have Car Max? Try them as well, especially in the nicer suburbs.

  4. creditcardfree Says:

    I also like Honda and Toyota! We ended up with a used Subaru for our daughter and it's been great so far. However, my mother did own a Mazda that she keep for nearly 200K miles. It always sounded like she was in the repair shop though. Good luck finding the right car for you!!

  5. rob62521 Says:

    Glad you got the check, even if you have to wait for it to clear.

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