Home > Parking Ticket

Parking Ticket

December 5th, 2019 at 02:05 pm

%^(&(^^%!!!! Can't believe I parked too close to a fire hydrant and had to pay $60! It was my fault -- I was tired, it was dark, and I wasn't paying attention the way I should.

Spent another $102 on Christmas gifts. I keep thinking of people I need to buy for. I didn't have a very good gift stash this year. I did buy gifts along the way but used most of them for birthdays.

Variables are at 64%. Eventually I will move the gifts out of variables and tap savings, since the total will be too high to cash-flow.

But speaking of savings, despite all my woes this year and all the bad luck, my net worth is $2,000 more than it was last year at this time. That may change, though, when everything Christmas-related is reckoned.

I'm just surprised that it isn't lower.

I still have some extra income hanging out there -- $250 from insurance for the fender-bender, $800 from the canceled car warranty, and possibly $500 from from insurance for the total loss of the Civic. The latter is only a possibility since it has to be recovered from the other party, who seems to be pretty much a hot mess.

Would it be nice if it came all at once?

2 Responses to “Parking Ticket”

  1. Lucky Robin Says:

    Well, hopefully that was your last bad thing since bad things come in threes.

  2. rob62521 Says:

    Well, darn it! Sorry about the ticket.

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