Home > Making More Soup

Making More Soup

December 29th, 2019 at 01:40 pm

I went to the gym yesterday and afterwards went to Food4Less, where I bought split peas and poultry seasoning - $4. I want to use up my leftover ham in split pea soup. I looked up a recipe and it turns out I also need to get an onion and some celery, so I'll go back to the store today. Maybe I will walk, if the rain lets up enough.

Our building is getting a new water heating system on Monday, so there will be no hot water all day. I'm trying to plan for that. It will mean no shower, no laundry, and no running the dishwasher. I'm washing my hair today! And running one load of laundry.

I got a packet from United Healthcare which lays out their new program for free OTC medications and health-related items. (This is for Medicare Advantage clients.) They have apparently contracted with Walmart to provide the goods. The benefit is the same, moneywise -- $50 per quarter. But you have to use a registered ID card and select items from Walmart's website. Looks like it will be more cumbersome, but, it also looks like there may be a larger range of items to choose from. I registered my card, but I am not eligible for anything yet. I assume eligibility will kick in mid-January, like it was on the old system.

4 Responses to “Making More Soup”

  1. Carol Says:

    Pea soup for us today ,too!

  2. Jenn Says:

    And us too! Wow, that's awfully coincidental! I put onions and carrots in mine.

  3. rob62521 Says:

    Hope the soup is good. Bummer on no hot water, but hopefully the new system will work out well.

    I imagine your Medicare Advantage plan will be helpful once it kicks in. DH isn't a part of that, just Medicare and we buy a supplement and prescription plan.

    We had awful fog for about 4 days down state in the mornings, but no fog this morning. We received rain last night and it let up for today, but it supposed to return tonight.

  4. crazyliblady Says:

    Beans are also great to use up ham, also. Congrats on using up leftovers.

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