Home > Oops!


March 6th, 2020 at 01:34 pm

My subscription hit my Discover card yesterday. I knew it was coming in March, but I guess I assumed it wouldn't hit within this credit card cycle. So my spending balance is cut down to $115. Still no problem; I won't need to spend nearly that much during the next five days. Unless I get another surprise!

I had some aging apples in the fridge, so I made applesauce yesterday. I'm going to have some for breakfast this morning, along with biscuits from the freezer. I finished up some veggie beef soup from the freezer yesterday, and I am now thawing what looks like chicken noodle soup. I really should start labeling -- I always think I'm going to know what the food is, but it's surprising how quickly I forget.

I took a longish walk yesterday by the lakeshore, even going onto the sandy area and walking right by the water. I was looking for sea glass, but I didn't find any. My step count for the day exceeded 7,000.

Today I'm getting my new crown -- I've been using a temporary all this time. I've had good luck with it -- with other temporary crowns I've had much trouble with breaking and dislodging them. It'll be nice to get this all over with.

It's going to be cold today, but I plan to walk to the dentist's office. It's a good way to get in some steps.

I didn't do laundry yesterday -- after looking over the hampers I decided it wasn't necessary -- but I'll have to do a load today.

I got an email that walk-in practice sessions for using the new election equipment are being offered at various times next week in Cicero. I think I will take advantage of that. It is about an hour away, but what else am I doing, anyway? I want to feel prepared. I had the training, but the training is so hit-or-miss; that's why I'm so determined about studying my manual.

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