Home > Another Day on Quarantine

Another Day on Quarantine

March 16th, 2020 at 02:17 pm

I felt almost normal yesterday but in the evening the symptoms came back. I messaged my doctor about my case for getting tested, but it still seems a remote possibility.

I am thinking about food. I am very accustomed to stretching food, so I'm not panicked, but before I sequestered myself, I just did a normal grocery shop so I don't have especially large stores. Here are meals I have available:

Pizza (2 meals)
Loaded Potato Soup (at least 2 meals)
Eggs (more than a dozen, so 6-7 meals)
Tuna Patties (2 meals)
Tuna Salad (2 meals)
(this is what I figure I can get out of one large can of albacore tuna)
French Onion Soup (about 3 meals)
Mac & Cheese (at least 3-4 meals; have yet to make this)
Chicken Burritos (5-6 meals)
Oatmeal (at least 8 meals)
Pancakes & Bacon (3 meals)
Peanut Soup (2 meals)
Peanut Butter Sandwiches (limited by one loaf of bread)
Homemade Hot Pockets (2 meals)
Trail Mix (Peanuts, Dried Fruit) (5 meals)
Granola w/Almond Milk (1 meal)

I also have full bags of frozen green beans, asparagus and cauliflower for veggie meals or sides. And a full jar of applesauce.

Clearly I'm going to be okay through my self-quarantine, but I'll need to shop after it's over and stock up a bit more.

As Rob reported yesterday, Illinois restaurants are closed till the end of the month. I feel sorry for the workers, and I hope they get compensation, but their closure is not going to be any hardship for me.

BFF, in Indiana, is going to take care of her granddaughters while their schools are closed. She isn't sick, but I did tell her that around here the advice is, "Don't send the kids to Grandma!" Indiana is not as hard hit as Illinois, so she doesn't seem to take the situation as seriously as I do. I hope this doesn't backfire on her.

Meanwhile, I'm reading, watching TV shows on Netflix, working my way through my paper pile, cooking and cleaning and generally staying busy.

3 Responses to “Another Day on Quarantine”

  1. crazyliblady Says:

    I am so glad you have enough food and everything to get you through the quarantine. Shopping at stores right now is a little crazy with people fighting over toilet paper and water. Ridiculous.

  2. Lucky Robin Says:

    Perhaps one of your family members can bring you a bag of groceries, knock on your door, and then back away while you get it if you run too low. It sounds like you've got a good handle on what you do have, though. I've heard this thing cycles so you feel better for a bit and then go back down and then feel better then go back down for several days. Just rest as much as possible and limit what you do on the slightly better days. Even if you think you don't need that much rest, you do. Hang in there.

  3. CB in the City Says:

    Thanks! I do seem to go through cycles of feeling well, then not so well.

    My son lives one block away and checks on me (by phone) every day. He has offered to get me anything I need, so I am not worried on that score. I am truly lucky that I am not really isolated.

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