Home > Stimulus Payment?

Stimulus Payment?

April 12th, 2020 at 02:41 pm

Did anyone get the stimulus direct deposit on Saturday? I thought I might, being pretty low-income and having received a refund by direct deposit the last several years. But not yet.

Yesterday, in my paper-purging project, I came upon a number of old journals I once kept. Most of them were done at various times after my divorce, and they were very sad, full of anger and angst and lot of self-pity, too. I was also constantly terrified and broke. I read them all through, gave thanks that I have survived and thrived and overcome, and then I shredded them all. I wouldn't want my kids reading them after I am gone. It feels cleansing to have them gone. It's my history, but it is history.

Today, there are plans in the air to have an Easter dinner via Zoom with my local DS & DIL. I don't know if others will be invited as well. I downloaded Zoom and now I'm waiting to hear what the next steps are. Not sure whether it will be a lunchtime or dinnertime event. They are going to order the food to be delivered. It will be Mexican food, per our tradition.

I gave up on the black and white puzzle. It was just too hard and not fun. I boxed it back up and put it in the Goodwill box. I wonder when I'll be able to drop off Goodwill stuff again? Or shop there again?

Well, I guess that's about it. I hope everyone has a happy, safe, social-distancing Easter!

6 Responses to “Stimulus Payment?”

  1. LivingAlmostLarge Says:

    Happy easter! Glad you got rid of the baggage too! I wouldn't want to read that from my mom. But how long ago was the divorce? You've come a long way!

  2. creditcardfree Says:

    Check out the
    Text is IRS website and Link is
    IRS website for specifics.

  3. Amber Says:

    Happy Easter, good dead fool be renewed (shredding of the journal)

  4. rob62521 Says:

    Happy Easter!

    Maybe rereading the journals was good for you to show you have grown and moved on. I agree, I wouldn't want anyone to see them.

    Hope your Zoom Easter dinner works out!

  5. mumof2 Says:

    happy easter

  6. Lucky Robin Says:

    Our credit union sent out a thing saying they expect people to start getting payments on the 15th. But even people with direct deposit may not all get them on that day.

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